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MSFC Contracts (in alpha/numeric order)

- Contract NNM05AB50C - Engineering, Science and Technical Services
- Contract NNM07AA70C - Support the Office of Strategic Analysis and Communications (OSAC)
- Contract NNM07AA74C - 5/16/2016 - Safety and Mission Assurance Support for MSFC S&MA Directorate
- Contract NNM07AB03C - 12/3/2009 - Ares I Upper Stage Production - Boeing
- Contract NNM08AA20C - 6/3/2010 - Marshall Engineering technicians and Trade Support Services (METTS)
- Contract NNM08AA28C - Center-wide Administrative Support (CAS) services
- Contract NNM08AA54C - 11/13/2009 - Center operations Support Services (COSS)
- Contract NNM09AA03C - 6/14/2012 - Occupational Health and Environment Support Services
- Contract NNM09AA20C - 10/6/2010 - Michoud Assembly Facility Manufacturing Support and Facility Operations
- Contract NNM10AA03C - 2/18/2010 - Marshall Information Technology Services (MITS)
- Contract NNM11AA30C - 5/29/2015 - Acquisition and Business Support Services
- Contract NNM12AA41C - 5/5/2016 -Engineering and Science Services and Skills Augmentation (ESSA)
- Contract NNM12AA53C - 4/21/2016 - MSFC Strategic Analysis and Communications Support Services (COMMSS)

Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL)

SLS PDR Data Package (documents approved for public release)

Columbia Related Documents

External Tank Acceptance Data Package

- ET-93 TPS Foam Applications
- TPS Requirements
- Blowing Agent Change
- Existing TPS Foam Applications
- TPS Usage Timeline

External Tank Contracts

- NAS8-00016

- BASIC_and_Section_B-1.pdf
- Section_J-6.pdf
- Sections_J-0_J-5.pdf

- NAS8-36200

- Basic_and_Section_B-H.pdf
- Sections_I-J-4.pdf
- Sections_J-5_J-21.pdf

Nonconformance Documents from Lockheed Martin

- NC-N023825
- NC-N031969
- NC-N062523
- NC-N062525
- NC-N062526
- NC-N062527
- NC-N062528
- NC-N062529

- Memorandum: Closure of the External Tank (ET) Foam Anomaly Investigation Team and Recommendation for closure of the In Flight Anomaly (IFA)

- Wind Tunnel Testing at Arnold Engineering Development Center (89.77 MB) - A technical report on simulated multiple loads test of NCFI 24-124 foam applied to ET configured intertank thrust panels in Supersonic Wind Tunnel A at Arnold Engineering Development Center

- Technical Paper: An Overview of Quantitative Risk Assessment of Space Shuttle Propulsion Elements

- MSFC Problem Reporting and Corrective Action (PRACA) System Part 1

- MSFC Problem Reporting and Corrective Action (PRACA) System Part 2

- Email Messages Shared by MSFC Engineers During Shuttle Missions

- Flight Readiness Statements - External Tank Project

- Award Fee Findings and Determinations for Contract NAS8-36200

- External Tank Project -- Annual Incident/Mishap Report Summary